OneAmerica Tower

OneAmerica Tower is a 38-story Class A commercial office building with extensive below grade spaces extending under and around the main entrances.  Mosaic performed waterproofing and structural evaluations that indicated extensive water infiltration had severely corroded major steel support beams below the plaza level within primary mechanical and electrical spaces for the building.

Mosaic prepared detailed construction documents to specify the necessary repairs, and solicited bid packages for construction.  The work consisted of stone paver removals and resetting, on-grade waterproofing, heavy structural steel repairs and replacements, fireproofing, masonry repairs, reconfiguration of landscaping and paving areas, and other associated work.

Mosaic performed job site inspections and quality assurance, coordinated work activities with building management and ownership, and worked with the contractor to resolve field issues and conditions.  The Ohio Street plaza was completed first, and then the Illinois Street plaza was similarly reconstructed the following year.

  • Indianapolis, IN

  • OneAmerica Financial Partners

  • Multiple projects over a period of years, including assessment of structural and plaza waterproofing conditions for OneAmerica Tower. Provided evaluation, design, and construction administration services (including inspections) for plaza waterproofing and structural steel beam replacements and repairs.


Market Common Clarendon


The Odyssey